Leadership Team

Mr. B. Maniyarasu
Education is an important role in enabling a person to face a real-life situation with enough knowledge. School is a temple of learning and in Acmar International School we are making our best efforts to educate our children.
Learning is not a process limited to schools and colleges only, nor does it end with the conclusion of one’s school career. It is indeed a lifelong process. This school is orientated to the total formation of a child so they will learn to adapt to the ever-changing world.
Dear students, it is my message to all of you that the people of good attitude live by their good values. Attitude creates self-respect, which will eventually turn into high self-confidence. Maturity is reflected in all aspects of the character – The decisions we make, the friends we choose and the responsibilities we accept. What you are is God’s gift to you and what you become is your gift to God. Always have something to live for. Make your parents proud by bringing out the best in you.
“Push Yourself Because No One Else Is Going To Do It For You”

Ms. Valerie Tee
“The challenge of rebuilding a community of future leaders was for some reason, very attractive to me”, she said. “I guess there was something inside of me that compelled me to be a leader.”
Graduated from Hawaii Pacific University (HPA), Honolulu, Ms. Valerie is multi-lingual and proficient in Japanese language. As the former Head of Hospitality Division in Klang Executive Club, Ms. Valerie found herself drawn to schools that held commitments to high ideals, but had trouble meeting those ideals.
With her dedication and commitment for trying new methods and instilling confidence in her staff helped turn those schools around. During her substantial experience in the field of education, she relished meeting challenges head on and instilling that same attitude in her faculty members, whom she calls her family.
She welcomes anyone to join this lovely and friendly family.

Tiu Si Jie
Ms. Si Jie completed her Bachelor of Child and Family Psychology at University Malaysia Sabah. She has been working with young children since 2011. She enjoys working with young children, has patience and passion in educating young children.
She is driven by her mission of ensuring all children are provided with support needed to realise their full potential because she believes that children learn best if they learn according to their strengths.